Pukerua Bay RSA

RSA in Wairaka Road, 1968.

The Pukerua Bay Returned Services Association had its origin in the Plimmerton Branch of the Wellington R.S.A. which catered for Pukerua Bay up to the end of World War II. In 1943 the sub branch of Porirua R.S.A. accepted the offer of a section from Charles Gray but could do little with it at that time. In 1947 a meeting was held at Plimmerton to form a Women’s Section of the R.S.A. for wives of returned servicemen of Pukerua Bay. The Rose Day collection was their first work, followed by a party to which all servicemen, their wives and families were invited – ladies a plate and gentlemen 1s 6d.

1943 Book of Remembrance.

In 1943 a small handmade book was put together with the names of men connected with Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay who were serving in the armed forces. A page of names was read out each Sunday at St Andrew’s church, Plimmerton. There was a separate section for Pukerua Bay as at that time there were 26 Pukerua Bay families who had a total of 32 men serving.

The rapid expansion of the Bay by 1950 meant that up to 40 returned service personnel were resident here and, under the guidance of Mr Jim Gannon, a separate section was formed in association with the Plimmerton R.S.A. In 1951 Pukerua Bay became an auxiliary of the Plimmerton R.S.A. and the men set about building their clubrooms on the donated land at the corner of Teihana Road West and Centennial Highway which was SH1 and is now SH59. The Wellington R.S.A. lent Pukerua Bay £1400 for the building project.

A hall measuring 60 ft by 30ft, was built by voluntary labour over 34 Saturdays.  Mrs Elizabeth Gray officiated at the opening ceremony on Saturday 19 April 1952. The following year the Pukerua Bay Branch became an incorporated branch of the Wellington R.S.A.

Previously all social events were in the school room which necessitated moving all the furniture to the play shed. The new R.S.A. hall provided a venue for many social activities, including balls, the Plunket Society 1957 debutante ball, fairs, Christmas parties, and private functions. For ten years it was the base for the Pukerua Bay Playcentre and in 1964 it was a temporary classroom for Standard 1 and Standard 2 classes while a new school room was being built.

Moving the RSA Hall to Greenacres Reserve in 1965.

With the change in social patterns in the early 1960s, the hall had little use. In 1964 the site was purchased by the Atlantic Union Oil Co. Ltd which planned to build a service station. However, the franchise to sell petrol in the Bay was held by Mr W. Scott at the Pukerua Bay Store. The site was then sold to the Porirua District Licensing Trust and Atlantic donated the hall to the Pukerua Bay Scout Troop which had been endeavouring to obtain a permanent base for years. In 1965 T.R. Parry Transport moved the hall to the site on the Greenmeadows Reserve in Kotipu Place.
The present site of the R.S.A. in Wairaka Road, formerly owned by Lindsay and Helen Gray, was purchased in 1966 and the house converted into the current clubrooms.

Function at the RSA in 1957. Johnny Williams playing piano.

In 1994 Pukerua Bay R.S.A. became independent of the Wellington R.S.A. The R.S.A. collects for Poppy Day, hosts the annual ANZAC service and the Welfare Committee actively assists the R.S.A. Trentham Hub, in support of former military personnel.

In 2021 there was a change of name to Pukerua Bay R.S.A. & Community Club. This reflects how the building is used today – as a gathering place for everyone in Pukerua Bay, a venue for events, meetings, quiz evenings, and snooker tournaments.

At the Pukerua Bay RSA on ANZAC day the tablecloth embroidered with the names of the ladies of the Women’s Section is always brought out and used.  We would love to receive memories of these wonderful women.

Pukerua Bay RSA Women’s Section Tablecloth.

Dorothy Weston
Dorena Walker
Phyllis Jason Smith
. Morris (Dot)
Dot Miller
Nan Menzies
Betty Kensington
Mavis Hicks
Doreen Gearing
Iris Humm
Annie Lindsay
Doreen Farmer
Edith Smith
Beryl Carpenter
Joyce McBeath
Jo Savage
Chester Moreton
Verna O’Connor
Tup Kippenberger
Joan Ryan
June Conway
Joan Beaufort
Elsie Houghton
Kath Newth
Christine Reade
Joan Jackson
Meg Waddilove
Jean Watson

By Margaret Blair

Pukerua Bay RSA Honours Board.


Book of Remembrance, St Andrews’s Church, Plimmerton

Blair, A, 1977. Pukerua Bay School Jubilee, 1927 – 1977.